Beastie Week: Spicy Sauteed Cucumbers
Well I’m as cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce,
You’ve got the rhyme and reason but got no cause
I’ve been a huge Beastie Boy fan for almost my whole life. They are one of the few musical groups I liked growing up that I can still get behind being the jaded snobby hipster indie music nerd that I am today. They come out with albums about once ever 100 years, so you can imagine that it is an exciting time to be a Beastie Boy fan right now! Since their CD comes out next Tuesday, I decided to dedicate a week to cooking recipes inspired by them. They are food nerds after all! Cooking today’s recipe, I quickly realized that cucumbers DON’T stay cool in a bowl of hot sauce! This recipe was spicy!

This is a simple recipe, only 5 ingredients.
Jalapenos and mustard seed in first.
Followed by the cukes, then the sriracha and cilantro.
These were a great side dish
Super spicy, delicious, and totally different from any cucumber I have ever eaten. Honestly, I have to admit that the texture came out like something I would have hated as a little kid. It was kinda soggy with a little bite, almost like a zucchini. I loved the dish, but as a kid I would have hated it! If you want to tone down the heat, take the seeds out of the jalapenos, and maybe use a little less sriracha.
Check out the video for “So Whatcha Want” to hear the lyric that inspired this recipe. It’s toward the end. Plus, this video is amazing, jus sayin.

Teaspoon each black and yellow mustard seed, 3 jalapenos, ¼ cup chopped cilantro, ½ cup sriracha, 1 and a half English cucumbers. In a small amount of olive oil, cook the diced jalapenos and mustard seed for about 3 minutes. Add the cukes (cut into matchsticks), cook 3 more minutes. Add the sriracha and cilantro, cook 3 more minutes. serve.
Yay! This brings me back to the days in health class listening to beastie discussing our “fros”!