Fried Cookies

Fried Oreos have become a fair staple, and for good reason. The cookie becomes soft and warm and the whole thing eats like a tasty donut. I made these at home last week along with some fried versions of the cookie formerly known as samoas. We couldn’t decide which we liked better because they were both so awesome.

Dipping the cookies in some flour first.

A quick fry and they are perfectly golden brown, sweet, and delicious.
If I hadn’t already eaten fried food all day, I could easily had killed a whole box of oreos worth of these.
The samoas were nice too with the oozy melted chocolate.
I used the same batter as funnel cake, but I added a little extra flour. Coat the cookies in a light dusting of flour, dip into the batter, and fry until golden.
Great use of the Girl Scout cookies and funnel cake batter! I am craving fried cookies now.