Chipotle Beet Polenta
I made this polenta recipe in the infancy of my website. That was back when my site was just jumbled posts that didn’t really explain anything well (things haven’t changed!) Passing beets at the store the other day, I was thinking it would taste nice with pork. It is actually really easy to make, and looks classy because of the redness. I cooked the pork and polenta with a simple roast brussel sprout and parsnip side. I actually whipped the veggies together catering a 90th birthday this past weekend, but didn’t get a taste! I had to make it again this week to see how it was.

The thicker the parsnips get, the thinner the slices.
You may want to wear gloves for this.
Making the polenta.
Making the polenta red and tasty.
Pork tenderloins, seared, then roasted.
Oil, salt, pepper and some dried herbs. I normally don’t use dried herbs, but they are great for this application.
Little bit of the glaze mixed in before serving.
See? Looks Classy.
Corn-y, beet-y, and spicy at the same time! Really good.
For the Polenta:
I used 1 and 1/2 cups of large grains of cornmeal. The bobs brand to be exact. I boiled 5 cups of chicken stock, added the corn meal, then added 2 beets microplaned, 2 chipotles, seeded and diced, and 2 teaspoons of the juice that the chipotles come paced in. Simmer and whisk for 20 minutes and serve!
For the veggies:
Cut beets and parsnips and put into roasting dish. Preheat oven to 425. Sprinkle some dried herbs on the veggies. Like oregano, basil, and parsley, or herbs de province if you have it. Drizzle on some oil and mix it all together. Roast for 20 minutes.
Glaze for veggies:
Equal parts balsamic vinegar and red wine (not vinegar). A few tablespoons of sugar. some salt. put in a pan and reduce for 20 minutes until it is a syrup.
For the pork:
Cover with salt and pepper and some coriander, pan sear, roast at 425 until internal temp says 150. Let rest for 10 minutes. Should be ever so slightly pink in the center.
That tenderloin looks perfectly cooked! Good job man. I’d rather be eating that instead of the homemade veggie burger and salad I’m chowing on now.