Apple Jalapeno Gruyere Mini Calzones
The party I have been talking about the past few days was a great success, despite a few people bagging at the last minute. You know who you are! The party was a bit of a housewarming for me, but also to celebrate the changing seasons, and to inaugurate our brand new Beer Pong table! My friend rich (who did a lot of the art on this website) was commissioned to paint us a table for the new place, and it came out awesome. I made a few dips for the begining of the party, and these mini calzones for halfway through. I have come to realize that grilling is the best cooking method for a party. It doesn’t heat up the house or smell up the house, can add a nice break and some fresh air to the party, and can be done fairly easily if you have prepped well. I made these calzones early in the day and just threw them on the grill when people were getting hungry. Along with the apple jalapeno gruyere option, there were some BBQ chicken and cheddar broccoli varieties.

Thanks so much for all the hard work Rich!
The calzone filling.
This just cooked a few minutes. Be sure to remove it from the heat before it becomes applesauce!
Store bought dough, rolled out thin and cut into rounds.
At the beginning of the night, I kept burning these. It was hard to get the hang of how long they needed to cook. The idea was to sear them on high heat for about 2 minutes per side, then move them to the other side of the grill to finish cooking so there would not be a doughy inside. And yes, I left Bermuda over a year ago, but I do still drive a Vespa around! Some things you can’t let go.
Starting over. Somehow the burnt ones kept disappearing though…
Plenty of backup.
Whoops. For some reason I thought that these would stick really bad if I didn’t spray them all before flipping them, but this caused a huge fire. Perhaps I should have turned the grill down a little?
Getting better at this!
Piling them on the cooler side of the grill.
This is the part of the night where I creepily wander around taking closeup shots of people eating. The guy in this picture is Rich, the beer pong table artist. The one whose mustache matches his shirt.
Everyone gathering around the grill. When I came outside no one was out there, but as people found out I was cooking they all came outside to get the first bites.
Finally got the hang of it.
I was going to delete this picture, but it looks like they tried so hard to pose perfectly!
I just used store bought dough for these. The chicken ones were Indian spiced bbq sauce I will be posting on monday with shredded chicken. The broccoli cheddar was just that: broccoli and cheddar. The Apple, Jalapeno Gruyere was about 5 apples diced, 3 jalapenos, and 1/2 a medium onion. Saute the onion and jalapeno in butter and salt. Add apples, cook 5 to 10 minutes until soft but well before it becomes applesauce! Roll out the dough, make rounds with a cookie cutter, and stuff them. Grill on high heat for a minute or 2 a side, then move to low heat (or even off, with the other side on high) for a few minutes with the lid closed to allow them to finish cooking and heat through.
Glad I could make the table for you guys. I’m pumped with how it came out, too. Everyone came outside when you started cooking, and I missed out on the Apple calzones and the Broccoli calzones, but I got to try the delicious BBQ Chicken ones. Had about 5.
Nice job on the table Rich, it’s beautiful. I like that shirt too. What a great idea for the calzones. The apple ones sound great, and so different. Looks like you all had a good time.
Congrats on the new pad! I’ve been reading your blog forever and haven’t commented before but the beer pong table brought me out! Love the sound of apples and gruyere cheese. Yum!
Sorry 🙁
I had to apologize to my stomach too.
I think I’m that guy who made a last minute mistake and am regretting it even more than i did before.